
News Stories

Celebrating Black Heritage Month at St. David

We are preparing many exciting initiatives for Black Heritage Month. We will kick off the events by participating in Black Canadian 365 conference on Tuesday, February 8th 2022.

Thousands of students from across Canada will attend this event which will feature legendary Canadian artist Maestro Fresh Wes, and Toronto Raptors legend Jerome “J.Y.D.” Williams.  To learn more, please view the Black ... Continue reading "Celebrating Black Heritage Month at St. David"

Principal of The Day: Three Important Decisions

On Wednesday, November 3rd, St. David students were honored with the visit of our Principal and her two Vice Principals of the Day.  These leaders were very impressed with how much learning is happening in the school and they made three important decisions:

  1. No dress code for tomorrow, November 4th
  2. No homework on Friday, November 5th
  3. ... Continue reading "Principal of The Day: Three Important Decisions"

Student Nutrition Program

Once a week our students receive a nutritious snack as part of our Student Nutrition Program.  The goal of the program is to support learning and healthy development by teaching our students to eat a variety of healthy foods.

Our Student Ministers of Athletics and Wellbeing, Sofia M. and Nico R. are choosing the snacks for the students and are giving ... Continue reading "Student Nutrition Program"

St. David Commemorates National Truth and Reconciliation Day




On September 29th, our Social Justice committee prepared many activities for students to honor Indigenous people and to reflect on the impact that residential schools have had on their culture and people.  Students and staff wore orange shirts, listened to stories, planted sage seeds, created a Peace garden, and painted rocks as a symbol of our ... Continue reading "St. David Commemorates National Truth and Reconciliation Day"